South West
Games - New

In 2022 we launched the 'New Generation' Games, which focused on encouraging participation. Giving clubs involved the opportunity to run various activities to re-engage their member base and attract new participants.

We saw 20 events hosted throughout the games, which ran from Saturday, 15th October to Sunday, 23rd October, with over 600 people getting involved in this year's events.

Clubs hosted activities ranging from 'Come and Try's to modified competitions.

At the 2022 'New Generation' Games, we supported:

20 Clubs to run events

20 Clubs supported with event funding

631 People to get active

390 Young People to get active

15 People with a disability to get active

46 New members engaged

‘The new format was great, and the financial support allowed the club to hire a venue out of season and not be out of pocket.’

‘Being part of a Multi-Sport event helped our club to attract new participants.  SWS was able to promote our event to the wider community, which we usually do not have access to on our own’.

‘It was a bonus to receive event funding for taking part in the SW Games. We used this to provide an ongoing opportunity for new participants to engage with our club.’

‘The ‘New Generation’ games focus on participation aligns with our clubs strategy, and we had a great result in getting new participants involved and are thrilled to see many now go on to sign up as members of our club’.

2022 Games Sponsors

Thank you to Corangamite Shire Council, our major supporting partner and host shire for 2022, and the Gwen and Edna Jones Foundation and the Ubergang Foundation for their support.