
Supporting clubs in the south west to be resilient and sustainable

South West Sport provides advice and guidance on a range of club development topics. Sharing our expertise in this area we ensure volunteers can access knowledge, ideas, and strategies that will help build their capacity to create successful and social sporting environments in which their community can thrive.

We can provide advice and guidance on:

Members can contact us for a range of club support needs, including advice and guidance regarding governance, grants, participation, partnerships, programming, volunteers, and more.

Committee support – Supporting your club committee to run efficiently and effectively through the provision of advice and guidance on committee structure, roles, and responsibilities.

Volunteer recruitment and coordination – Provide advice and guidance on volunteer recruitment and coordination, supporting clubs to build a strong culture of volunteerism.

Constitution and/or policy development – Review and provide feedback to club’s updating and refreshing documents that help govern their clubs, including constitution, by-laws, and club policies and procedures.

Grant Support – Support clubs to find grants, review and provide advice on applications and provide letters of support.

Membership and participation growth – Providing guidance and ideas on growing membership and attracting new participants to your sport.

Club future planning and succession planning – Providing guidance and advise on succession planning and future proofing of your sporting club.

Available Grants

We understand that it’s hard trying to manage the costs of playing sport and running a club. We have put together a list of grants that your club may be eligible to apply for.

Southern Grampians Community Partnership Grants

Grant provider: Southern Grampians Shire Council

Value: Up to $15,000 (applications over $2,500 must demonstrate dollar-for-dollar contribution)


Council's Community Partnership Grants program has funded club building repairs, general equipment, furniture, safety gear, promotional signage, environmental protection programs, heritage projects, events, and festivals.

Council promotes funding opportunities twice a year and hosts drop-in sessions across the Shire so potential grant applicants have all the support they need to submit their application.

The next round of funding will open: 9:00am Monday 1 July 2024.

Closing date: The next round of funding will open: 9:00am Monday 1 July 2024.

Warrnambool City Community Development Fund

Grant provider: Warrnambool City Council

Value: The total funding pool for 2024/25 is $100,000 with the following allocations aligned to each category. • Sport & Recreation $45,000 • Culture & Arts $35,000 • Environmental & Sustainability $20,000 If the total pool of funding in each category is not expended then any remainder will be redirected to other categories where applications exceed the funding pool.


The Community Development Fund is a competitive process and funds are awarded based on merit according to the weighted criteria.

Canvassing of Councillors is prohibited. This means that you can’t contact a Councillor and ask them to put in a good word, or help you get your grant approved.

Council provides funding for the term specified in the Funding Terms and Conditions.

Grant opens: Friday 31 May 2024

Grant closes: Sunday 30 June 2024

Closing date: Midnight Sunday 30 June 2024

Port of Portland Community Sponsorship Grants

Grant provider: Port of Portland



Port of Portland (POPL) is committed to making a positive contribution to the region in which we operate. Our Community Sponsorship Program aims to assist local projects/events that reflect our organisational values and positively contribute to our local community.

POPL will consider sponsorship that supports the following categories:

– Local education programs aimed at giving young people opportunities for self-development and community service

– Community welfare programs or initiatives that assist disadvantaged groups

– Environmental improvement initiatives particularly, but not limited to, those relating to Portland Bay

– Sporting Clubs and events that particularly, but not limited to, encouraging people of all ages and abilities to become more active

Closing date: Applications will be received up until 30 June 2024.

Strengthening Rural Communities — Small & Vital

Grant provider: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal

Value: Up to $10,000


The Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) Small & Vital stream gives small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds for a broad range of initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities.

Closing date: Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and assessed quarterly.

Local Sporting Champions Grant

Grant provider: Australian Sports Commission

Value: Up to $750


The Local Sporting Champions program provides financial assistance for coaches, officials and competitors aged 12-18 participating in state, national or international championships.

Closing date: Ongoing

Glenelg Community Grants

Grant provider: Glenelg Shire Council

Value: Up to $5,000


The aim of the Community Grants Program is to assist community organisations and groups to undertake activities and provide facilities for the benefit of the citizens and residents of the Shire region.

Closing date: Applications close 7th August 2024

Moyne Community Assistance Grant

Grant provider: Moyne Shire Council

Value: Up to $15,000


Grants of up to $15,000 aimed at supporting community organisations to deliver services and activities that benefit the community.  There are four categories with different funding rations.

  • Equipment
  • Capital Works
  • Community Strengthening
  • Funded Organisations Program

Closing date: Applications close Friday 2 August 2024 at 5pm

Telstra Footy Country Grants

Grant provider: Telstra

Value: Up to $20,000


You can seek funding for several key initiative areas, including growing and assisting volunteer capacity, growing and diversifying participation in your club and improving your club environment or experience.

This can include new training for staff; upgrades to scoreboards or line-markings; electronic point-of-sale systems for the tuckshop or even additional funding to subsidise participation. You’ll need to include a brief description of your project as part of the application, as well as the works required and the anticipated total cost, so be precise.

Closing date: Applications for grants open on 5 February 2024, and there are four rounds for submission. • Round 1: Monday 5th February to 11:59pm (AEDT) Sunday 3rd March 2024 • Round 2: Monday 4th March to 3pm (AEDT) Friday 19th April 2024 • Round 3: 3:01pm (AEDT) Friday 19th April to 3pm (AEDT) Thursday 13th June 2024 • Round 4: 3:01pm (AEDT) Thursday 13th June to 5pm (AEDT) Wednesday 7th August 2024

Emergency Sporting Equipment Grant Program

Grant provider: Sport and Recreation Victoria

Value: Up to $2,000


This program provides assistance to grassroots sport and active recreation clubs and organisations to replace essential sporting and first aid equipment that has been lost or destroyed as a consequence of fire, flood, significant storms, theft or criminal damage.

Closing date: 31st May 2023

Corangamite Ready Now Grant

Grant provider: Corangamite Shire Council

Value: Up to $500


Council has developed a policy and application form for groups seeking funding through the Council Quick Response Grants for small projects, equipment, or initiatives.

Closing date: Applications are assessed monthly

Strategic Community Investment Fund (SCIF)

Grant provider: AFL Victoria

Value: Up to $25,000


The Strategic Community Investment Fund (SCIF) is designed to financially assist initiatives that can support Community Clubs affiliated to AFL Victoria in three key strategic area:

• Grow and assist volunteer capacity.

• Grow and diversify participation.

• Improve club environments and player experiences.

Closing date: Applications for the 2024 season are assessed monthly

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